23 June 2011

The beginning of a really interesting time.

I've been busy here--and while I strongly believe in the concept of blogging without obligation, I've missed this little corner of my life. I've had wonderstrange arts take over a healthy part of my free time, and that's a good thing, but I really love my own blog, too.

I'm taking this summer off--no teaching, no work obligations at all--to write poetry, to submit to publications, and to try to organize my recent work into a manuscript so that I can begin sending it to presses in the hopes of finding a home for my first collection. I'm also planning on doing some day traveling this summer . . . there is a wonderful residency available to Oregon writers and artists that does require some place-based writing. So, I'll be visiting some of the parks in Southern Oregon to work on some newer place-based pieces, too.

And, while I don't usually spend time on here wallowing about personal issues, I do think it's valid to state that I am also going through a bit of a transitional period in my personal life, which can prove time-consuming as well. While I'm unsure of what the future holds for my home life, I do know that my writing and my art--as well as the friends I have in both the writing and art communities to which I belong--will pull me through it all.

So, I'm looking forward to keeping up over here at the blog a bit more regularly--and writing might be a stronger focus over the journaling or art right now, but I plan to just use the summer as a cathartic thing. Rather than swallowing scars over the next few months, I'm going to do my best to purge them.