21 September 2020

"The Language of Sisters" is selected for publication by The Gateway Review

I have to be more diligent about blogging, if I'm going to use this to record my progress with my own written work. That being said, I have good news! A new poem of mine, "The Language of Sisters," will be published in the next issue of The Gateway Review: A Journal of Magical Realism.

I am always reluctant to classify anything I write as genre work, so I am pleased that the editors in this case agreed with me that this poem has a place in a journal that focuses on magical realism and fabulism.

I feel really good about this acceptance--the poem has not been read by another editor; it was brand new when I sent it off to The Gateway Review as a single-poem submission. This was a much-needed boost of confidence regarding my newer work. I feel like what I am writing this summer is my best work yet, but it's easy for me to say that.

I will add a link to the issue when it is available, and I will add the poem once it has been published. 

The Gateway Review

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