30 October 2020

Rejection letters, and submissions in active review.

I received two rejection letters this week, one from Outlook Springs, and the other from Pidgeonholes, an online journal. Both are looking for work that's a little different. The former is "devoted to fiction, poetry, and non-fiction tinged with the strange." Pidgeonhole's tag line is "weird bird. weird words." As I've mentioned in another post, I have trouble classifying my own work, so I'm always choosing to submit to journals that seem to have an interest in work that's a bit odd, but I often find that my brand of odd isn't exactly what they're looking for.

At Submittable, I've noticed that at least a half-dozen submissions have moved from "Received" to "In Progress" this week. I think several calls for submissions had deadlines between October 15th and October 31st, so it's likely that editors are beginning to review work now that the submission windows are shuttered. 

I hope that this will bring some good news, and some acceptance letters--I have an obnoxious number of submissions out in the world right now, and I would like to find a home for at least a few more newer poems. 

I sent out a selection of poems to Boxcar Poetry Review and to The New Southern Fugitives this week, as well. Both have deadlines in November.

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